Tips & Tricks: Exercise Is Key to Good Health

Exercise one to three hours after eating. This is when your blood sugar level is likely to be higher.

Pick a physical activity that increases heart rate. Aerobic exercise such as running, biking, tennis, swimming, dancing or walking is good. Walking is one of the easiest options.

Do aerobic exercise 30 minutes a day.

Pick an exercise that fits your lifestyle and budget.

Add strength-training exercises like pushups and sit-ups, free weights or resistance bands. It helps your body’s hormone insulin, which lowers blood sugar, work better. Do strength training two times a week. If you don’t have weights, lift items from around the house. Try using cans or water bottles.

Think about adding yoga to your routine. It helps build flexibility, strength and balance. It is a great exercise for people with a variety of chronic conditions, including diabetes.

Drink plenty of water.

Wear the right shoes and socks for the type of exercise you are doing.